Eric Inglis

Eric Inglis

Eric Inglis is a passionate executive leader with over 20 years of experience in healthcare IT. He has led teams of 140+ within Fortune 500 organizations including operational and strategic planning, coaching, mentoring and facilitating the realization of key projects and procedures.

Eric’s experience includes a period as the Executive Director for Global Support Operations at McKesson/Change Healthcare. His most recent experience includes TELUS Health, where he had direct involvement with Virtual Healthcare and EMR systems in his role as Director, Strategy and Enablement.

As FuseForward’s Vice President, Cloud Solutions, Eric leads the development of FuseForward’s technology products and solutions, while also overseeing the delivery of services to our existing customers.

Eric holds an EMBA, Business Administration and Management, from Simon Fraser University and a PMP certification from the Project Management Institute (PMI).

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With expertise across advanced analytics, data, IOT, AI & ML, cloud, intelligent systems, cybersecurity and much more, we can answer your questions and help design a solution.

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